Translation for "fiel a mí" to english
Translation examples
Señor, tú has sido tan fiel a en este juego,
Father,you've been so faithful to me in this game,
Está siendo fiel a ahora y hay una diferencia entre el amor que está acostumbrado a recibir y el amor que siento por ella.
She's being faithful to me now and there is a difference between the love she's used to receiving and the love that I have for her.
Fiel a y sólo a mí.
Faithful to me and me alone.
Necesito que permanezcas fiel a .
I need you to remain faithful to me.
Jesús, estás de pie junto a mí, permaneces fiel a ... Pero estás tan lejos.
Jesus, you stand by me, you remain faithful to me... but you are so far away.
I recompensar a los fiel a .
I shall reward those who are faithful to me.
Nunca me fué fiel a .
He was never faithful to me.
Quizá no me vaya a ser fiel a mí, pero de todos modos es un hombre fiel.
It may not be faithful to me, but it is still faithful.
Tú debías haberme sido fiel a mí.
You should have been loyal to me.
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