Translation for "facultad perceptiva" to english
Facultad perceptiva
Translation examples
Como siguiendo alguna ley de compensación, la facultad perceptiva era pobre a nivel verbal;
As if following some law of compensation, the perceptive faculty was poor on the verbal level;
Era apenas un murmullo pero su timbre llegó directamente a las facultades perceptivas del animal de la selva que anidaba en el fondo de Korak. Era un aviso.
but of a timbre that bore straight to the perceptive faculties of the jungle beast ingrained in Korak. It was a warning.
Con todo, en vista de las extraordinarias pruebas de facultad perceptiva que poco antes me había dado, no me cabía la menor duda de que a sus ojos se hallaban presentes muchos más indicios que a los míos.
Still I had had such extraordinary evidence of the quickness of his perceptive faculties, that I had no doubt that he could see a great deal which was hidden from me.
Pero en un instante lo olvidaba para ir a corretear entre los árboles, o de nuevo un terror repentino le arrancaba de su conciencia, cuando una u otra de las amenazas hereditarias a su existencia aparecía dentro de la esfera de sus facultades perceptivas.
But in an instant he might forget it to go swinging and scampering through the trees, or again a sudden terror would drive it from his consciousness, as one or another of the hereditary menaces to his existence appeared within the range of his perceptive faculties.
Bajo las hojas de otros árboles, más adelante, a un tiro de piedra, Tarzán y Tantor sesteaban momentáneamente, amodorradas sus facultades perceptivas por el efecto calmante de la seguridad imaginaria, y por la somnolencia, corolario del mediodía ecuatorial.
Beneath the drowsing leaves of other trees a stone's throw ahead of them Tarzan and Tantor slept, their perceptive faculties momentarily dulled by the soothing influence of fancied security and the somnolence that is a corollary of equatorial midday.
Ellas no comprendían su profunda y constante congoja, aquella presión que no podía aliviar ni eliminar ningún suspiro, ni hasta qué punto el continuo esfuerzo de sus facultades perceptivas era lo único que le impedía echarse a llorar desconsolada.
They could not understand how her heart was aching all the time, with a heavy pressure that no sighs could lift off or relieve, and how constant exertion for her perceptive faculties was the only way to keep herself from crying out with pain.
La pesadumbre que sus acongojados pensamientos introducían abrumadoramente en el cerebro de Tarzán tuvo el efecto nefasto de obnubilar la agudeza de sus facultades perceptivas, de forma que los salvajes que se le acercaban casi llegaron hasta él antes de que el hombre-mono se percatase de que no estaba solo en la playa.
The mental suffering that Tarzan's sorrowful thoughts induced had the effect of numbing his keen, perceptive faculties, so that the advancing savages were almost upon him before he became aware that he was no longer alone upon the beach.
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