Translation for "excitarlos" to english
Translation examples
Está lista, comienza a excitarla
She's ready, she begins to be excited.
Trate de no excitarlo.
Try not to excite him.
Quizá excitarle un poco.
Get him a little excited maybe.
¿Qué pasa si está culpando a estas chicas por excitarle?
What if he's blaming these girls for exciting him?
-Parece excitarle la idea.
Woof! Oh, Mr. Pickles sure is excited.
Usted estaba frotandose contra él, tratando de excitarlo.
You were rubbing up against him, trying to get him excited.
Bueno, intenten no excitarle.
Well, try not to get him excited.
- Pero yo, además ese hombre tú me dijiste de excitarlo hasta sin...
You said to excite him even without...
Lo último que quiero hacer es excitarlo.
The last thing I want to do is excite him.
Para excitarlo aún más.
To excite him further.
Eso parecía excitarla.
Jest seemed to excite her some more.
Eso podría excitarla, y no era conveniente.
It might excite her and that would be bad.
Procure no excitarle demasiado.
Do try and not let him excite himself too much.
El cieno de sus cuerpos había comenzado a excitarlo.
The slime of Their bodies had begun to excite Him.
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