Translation examples
¿Lo examinaste cuidadosamente?
Did you examine it carefully?
¿Examinaste al paciente?
Did you examine the victim?
Examinaste cada posibilidad.
Have you examined every possibility?
Si examinaste un árbol Los examinaste todos
When you've examined one tree Then you've examined them all
Examinaste sus archivos históricos.
Examine their historical files.
¿También la examinaste?
Oh, did you examine her, too?
examinaste las tazas.
You examined the cups.
¯¿De qué te enteraste cuando me examinaste?
What did you learn when you examined me?
¿Examinaste alguna vez mis bolsillos, papaíto?
Ever examine my coat-pocket?
—Pero no las examinaste con la minuciosidad desconfiada de un verdadero bibliófilo.
“But you did not examine each one minutely with the true bibliophile’s profound mistrust.
—Menenio, te llamaron cuando encontraron a Clodia. Tú la examinaste.
Doctor, you were called in when Clodia was found. You examined her.
—Tú examinaste el óleo después de adquirirlo —dijo Foster—.
"You examined the oil after you acquired it," said Foster.
Minou frunció el ceño. —¿No la examinaste cuando la recibiste? —No.
Minou frowned. ‘When you first received it from my mother, did you not examine it, Aunt?’ ‘Well, no.
–Así que cerrasteis la atracción. ¿Cuándo examinaste los dos robots?
“When did you examine the two Notting Hill bots?”
– ¿Examinaste realmente ese pulgar? -dijo Francis tras tragar saliva.
Francis swallowed hard, and asked, "Did you really examine that thumb, Peter?"
—Sí. —¿La examinaste? El chico lo miró, incrédulo, como si la sola idea le hiciera casi desmayarse.
"Did you examine her?" The boy looked at him in disbelief, as if the mere thought made him feel like fainting.
Bueno no dudo de que examinaste la evidencia analizaste los signos.
Well... I'm sure you've considered the evidence, Analyzed the signs.
—¿Examinaste la Biblia?
“You looked through the Bible?”
—¿Examinaste los bocetos de esa ciudad?
“You look at the sketches of that town?”
Y, sin embargo… ¿Examinaste el paquete, papá? —No. ¿Por qué?
“And yet…Did you look into this package, dad?” “No. Why?”
¿Examinaste el cadáver a fondo, St. James?
“How close a look did you get at the body, St. James?”
Pero ya que él no llegó a saberlo nunca, al menos quiero saberlo yo, pues tú examinaste sus cosas y tú sí que sabes latín, así que dime: ¿qué libro era? ¿Quién lo escribió, cómo se titula?
But if he couldn’t know it, I at least want to know it, and you looked at his things, and you understand Latin too, so tell me—what sort of book was that, who wrote it, what is it called?”
- ¿Sacaste algo del caso Rodríguez, lo examinaste, y no le dijiste a nadie?
- You took something out of Rodriguez's file, tested it, and didn't tell anyone about it?
¿Examinaste la sangre de Brody ya?
- Did you test Brody's blood yet?
Eran normales cuando lo examinaste.
Were normal when you tested.
Pero tú misma examinaste el opio, Rebecca.
But you yourself tested the opium, Rebecca.
Por cierto, ¿te examinaste?
Speaking of which, you ever get tested?
¿Te examinaste fuera del instituto?
You tested out of high school?
How many English words do you know?
Test your English vocabulary size, and measure how many words you know.
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