Translation for "estudiantes fueron" to english
Estudiantes fueron
Translation examples
Dos de los estudiantes fueron hospitalizados.
Two of the students were hospitalized.
... Un incidente en el que los estudiantes fueron acribillados por las autoridades.
An incident in which students were mown down by the authorities.
¿Por eso dos de mis mejores estudiantes fueron asesinados?
Is that why two of my brightest students were killed?
Los estudiantes fueron capaces de entender bien.
The students were able to understand just fine.
Solo dos estudiantes fueron notificadas de haber dejado el colegio.
Only two students were noted as having left for other schools.
Ambos estudiantes fueron pronunciados muertos en la escena.
Both students were pronounced dead at the scene.
Dos estudiantes fueron atacadas, y luego hubo una escalada a violación.
Two students were attacked, and then there was an escalation to rape.
Esos estudiantes fueron suspendidos.
Those students were suspended.
Unos estudiantes fueron atrapados destrozando un carro de policía.
A students were caught vandalizing a police car
Cinco estudiantes fueron trasladados al hospital.
Five students were rushed to hospital.
Algunos estudiantes fueron interrogados;
Some of the students were questioned.
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