Translation for "estirándolos" to english
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Los contó, uno por uno, estirándolos, porque algunos estaban enrollados y otros hechos una pelota.
She counted them, one by one, stretching them out, because some were rolled up and others balled up.
Tiraba de sus entrañas hacia abajo, estirándolas en nuevas y desagradables formas.
It was pulling all of her insides down, stretching them into new and unpleasant shapes.
Estirándolas hacia él, dejé que el vampiro se las metiera en la boca y pasara su áspera lengua por las yemas de los dedos.
Stretching them forth, I let the vampire put them in his mouth and run his rough tongue over the tips.
El Ladeado bufó, para sí mismo, resopló, frunciendo los labios y estirándolos otra vez al apretar los dientes podridos.
El Ladeado hissed to himself, and he huffed, pursing his lips and stretching them out again as he clenched his prematurely decayed teeth.
Tenía cuatro brazos que levantaba por encima de la cabeza, estirándolos hacia el Norte como si quisiera abarcar toda Narnia en su abrazo;
It had four arms which it held high above its head, stretching them out Northward as if it wanted to snatch all Narnia in its grip;
Jugueteó en el agua, recogiendo los pies para revolcarse, y después estirándolos para tenderse hacia delante, profundizándose en los colores que lo rodeaban.
He tumbled through the water, pulling his legs in close so he would roll, and then stretching them out so he thrust forward, farther into the colors surrounding him.
Aprendieron a pescar y a alimentarse casi exclusivamente del mar y administraron los abastecimientos entregados por el capitán Williams con cuentagotas, estirándolos a lo largo de los meses.
They learned to fish and to live off the sea. The food supplies Captain Williams brought had been distributed parsimoniously, which stretched them to last for several months.
Al verlo pienso en Procusto, el mitológico bandolero que torturaba a sus víctimas estirándolas sobre una cama si eran demasiado bajitas o cortándolas si eran demasiado altas.
Seeing him, I think of Procrustes, the mythological highwayman who tortured his victims by stretching them on a bed if they were too short, or cutting them down to size if they were too tall.
Extendí la mano derecha y cogí un poco de mantequilla, ya derretida a causa del calor, y le unté suavemente los pezones, estirándolos mientras los acariciaba.
With my right arm I reached over her, and gathered up some of the butter on my fingertips. It was already nice and soft from the heat, and I smoothed it over the pink nipples of her breasts, caressing the nipples and stretching them a little as I did it.
Posiblemente, mientras se mueve, queda enredado como un hombre ciego en una casa de telarañas en esas pequeñas hebras de espacio-tiempo muy especializadas que tratan de reproducirse en cada historia con la que tropiezan, estirándola y rompiéndola y forzándola a nuevas formas.
Possibly, as it moves, it gets tangled like a blind man in a cobwebbed house in those highly specialized little space-time strands that try to breed in every history they encounter, stretching them and breaking them and tugging them into new shapes.
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