Translation for "estilizar" to english
Translation examples
- Hombre: La pluma lavanda. Es como pedirle a un jugador de fútbol estilizar el maniquí, pero ella siempre tuvo un concepto.
It was like asking a football player to stylize the mannequin, but she always had a concept.
El hecho es que no se permitió que lo convencieran a estilizar la guerra.
[Spielberg] The fact that he wouldn't allow himself to be misled into stylizing the war,
Discapacitado es un look difícil de estilizar.
- Handicapped is a hard look to style.
Lynley observó que iba vestida a su estilo habitual, con un chándal abolsado gracias al cual esperaba disimular y estilizar su cuerpo regordete, al tiempo que el color (azul heliotropo intenso) oscurecía el tono de sus ojos pálidos.
She was dressed in her usual style, Lynley noted, a baggy sweat suit which she hoped would both elongate and camouflage her short, plump body at the same time as its colour—a deep heliotrope blue—would darken the shade of her own pale eyes.
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