Translation for "estercolero" to english
Translation examples
Se hizo traer una silla, un plato de pintada con patatas asadas y una botella de Albana, y se quedó velando al lado del paciente, de charla con los tres invitados sentados en torno al estercolero.
He had them bring him over a chair and a plate of guinea hen with roast potatoes and a bottle of Albana, and sat by his patient’s side, chatting with the other guests sitting around the manure heap.
—¿Te das cuenta —insistía— de dónde deja él a todos esos mascadatos, esos investigadores hechos a máquina que andan revoloteando alrededor del estercolero y también a los médicos comerciales? ¿Lo entiendes?
He insisted, “Do you see where he leaves all these detail-grubbing, machine-made researchers buzzing in the manure heap just as much as he does the commercial docs? Do you get him? Do you?”
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