Translation for "estado ladeado" to english
Estado ladeado
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Él me mira con la cabeza ladeada, extrañado, perplejo.
He glances at me oddly, perplexed, his head inclined to one side.
Tenía la cabeza ladeada como si aún estuviera escuchando las voces.
Her head was inclined as though she were listening to the still-chattering voices.
Tenía éste la cabeza ladeada, entreabiertos los labios, los ojos abiertos y muertos.
His head lay inclined to one side, the lips agape, the eyes open and dull.
Después me dejó con una inclinación de cabeza de lo más cortés que cabría esperar en un hombre que estaba ladeado como un tejado.
He left me then with as courteous an inclination of the head as you would expect from a man leaning like the pitch of a roof.
Ahora su figura parecía triste, desanimada. Tenía los hombros caídos y la cabeza ladeada.
Instead something desperate, almost sad, came over her entire being: she stood with her shoulders hunched and her head inclined.
Canija estaba sonriente -la cabeza ladeada, la cola martilleando el asiento-, pero, por lo visto, el juez no se había apercibido de la llegada de Sai.
Mutt was smiling – head inclined, thump thump went her tail against the seat – but the judge seemed not to have noticed Sai’s arrival.
La perra estiró las patas delanteras, y clavando las uñas en el suelo se acercó a él, con la cabeza ligeramente ladeada mientras escuchaba.
The dog stretched its forelegs, and digging its nails into the floor pulled itself toward him, inclining its head slightly to one side as it listened.
No había parecido entre ambos (Vancha era corpulento, rudo y tosco, mientras que Gannen era esbelto, elegante y comedido), pero tenían una forma muy similar de quedarse parados con la cabeza ladeada.
The two didn't look alike — where Vancha was burly, gruff and rough, Gannen was slim, cultured and smooth — but there was a certain way they had of standing and inclining their heads that was very similar. "Vancha,"
Sólo la cabeza y unos hombros inmóviles se destacaban en la débil claridad. Aquel cuerpo no era más que una masa oscura, algo ladeada a la izquierda, con la faz vuelta a la tempestad, lavada sin duda por cada fulgor.
In that obscurity the pilot’s head and shoulders were all that showed themselves. His torso was a block of darkness, inclined a little to the left; his face was set toward the storm, bathed intermittently, no doubt, by flickering gleams.
Suspiró, dejó el vaso a un lado y se sentó inclinado hacia delante, con los pies separados sobre el suelo de piedra y las manos en las rodillas, un poco receloso y con la cabeza ladeada como si esperase alguna señal;
He sighed, and put aside his glass and drew himself up to a seated position and leaned forward, placing his feet wide apart on the stone-flagged floor and setting his hands on his knees, looking a little askance with his head inclined as if he were listening for some far signal;
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