Translation for "escritor uno" to english
Translation examples
Junto al trabajo de un grupo de jóvenes escritores, uno de los cuales se convertiría en la principal luz literaria de su generación, escribiendo profundas historias en un estilo que hizo que Proust palideciera. Su adorable extravagancia hizo de él no solo un icono literario, sino uno cultural.
Alongside the work of a group of young writers, one of whom would go on to become the leading literary light of his generation, composing profound stories in a style that made Proust seem pallid, his lovable flamboyancy made him not only a literary icon, but a cultural one as well.
Roger Stillingfleet era un escritor, uno de los pocos que realmente agradaban a Mr. Pinfold.
Roger Stillingfleet was a writer, one of the few Mr. Pinfold really liked.
Aquella tarde, después de mi conferencia, hablé con varios escritores. Uno de ellos era el señor V.
After my lecture that evening I met several writers. One was Mr V.
Al confesar que era escritor, uno de aquellos gamberros en bata vino a mi cama con algunos versos que había escrito.
On admitting I was a writer one of the swaddies in his dressing-gown came to my bed with some verses he had written.
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