Translation for "es siempre que son" to english
Es siempre que son
  • it's always that they are
  • it is provided that they are
Translation examples
it's always that they are
Siempre ha sido así y siempre lo será.
It's always been like that.
Siempre, siempre el mismo sueño.
It’s always the same. Always.
it is provided that they are
a) Siempre que:
(a) Provided that:
Se prevé alcanzar el objetivo siempre que:
50. It is expected that the objective will be met, provided that:
200. b) Un acreedor, siempre y cuando:
200. (b) A creditor, provided that:
Se prevé que se alcanzarán los objetivos siempre que:
45. The objectives are expected to be accomplished, provided that:
Al final, sustitúyase "siempre que" por "sólo en el caso de que".
At the end, replace "provided that" with "only if".
Siempre que sean pequeñas.
Provided they're small.
Siempre que el jurado la crea.
Provided a jury believes her.”
–Pero es posible, siempre que no tengamos vientos en contra.
But possible, provided there are no adverse winds.
- Siempre que se te dé la oportunidad.
Provided you are permitted the chance.”
Siempre y cuando no nos traicionen antes.
Providing we aren’t betrayed beforehand.
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