Translation for "es parloteo" to english
Es parloteo
  • it's chatter
  • it is prattle
Translation examples
it is prattle
—Yo no parloteo, Alec.
I never prattle, Alec.
Pero tendréis que disculpar mi parloteo.
But you must forgive my prattle.
Era como escuchar el parloteo absurdo de un idiota.
It was like listening to the prattling nonsense of an idiot.
—tartajeó Kerrie, desentendiéndose del parloteo de Vi.
stammered Kerrie, ignoring Vi’s prattle.
Caccace se acercó a Emilia y parloteó sin parar.
Caccace came over to Emilia, prattling incessantly.
El parloteo se vio interrumpido por el vozarrón de Tariq.
Their prattle was cut off by Tariq’s booming voice.
El alcalde dio la bienvenida a todos y parloteó un buen rato.
The mayor welcomed everyone and prattled on too long.
El incesante y ruidoso parloteo de Rayna y Gary lo distraía.
Rayna and Gary’s loud, ceaseless prattling drove him to distraction.
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