Translation for "es notable fue" to english
Es notable fue
Translation examples
Sin embargo, hay algunas excepciones notables.
However, there are some notable exceptions.
El caso de Botswana es notable.
The case of Botswana is notable.
2 Hay algunas notables excepciones.
2 There are some notable exceptions.
Hubo algunos éxitos notables.
There were some notable successes.
Los cambios más notables fueron los siguientes:
The most notable changes included:
El progreso logrado en Asia es notable.
Progress in Asia is notable.
La más notable de ellas es el Parlamento Centroamericano.
Most notable of these is the Central American Parliament.
Evidentemente, hay notables excepciones.
There are, indeed, notable exceptions.
Entre las más notables cabe mencionar:
Some of the most notable are:
58. Logros más notables:
58. Most notable achievements:
-Con una excepción notable. -Notable. -Kimmuriel se mostró de acuerdo-.
"With notable exception." "Notable," Kimmuriel agreed.
¿No es algo notable?
Is that not a notable thing?
Ante todo los notables.
Briefly, the notables.
Era una victoria notable.
It was a notable victory.
Los siguientes son notables:
The following are notable:
Es un hecho notable.
It is a notable fact.
La coreografía es notable.
The choreography is notable.
Con algunas notables omisiones.
With some notable omissions.
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