Translation for "es muy convincente" to english
Es muy convincente
  • it's very convincing
  • it is very convincing
Translation examples
it's very convincing
Me gusta tu aspecto, es muy convincente.
I like the look. It's very convincing.
Lo habia visto personalmente, en efecto, despues de eso, pero... cuando alguien de su estatura indica eso, uhh, son reales, y probablemente de otro planeta, es muy convincente.
I had seen him personally, of course, before that, but... When someone of his stature indicates that, uh, they're real, and probably from another planet, it's very convincing.
Mira, es muy convincente. Pero lo entiendo. Hostigas al nuevo.
Look, it's very convincing, but I get it, haze the new guy, big laughs.
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