Translation for "es eso examinado" to english
Translation examples
Documentos examinados
Documents examined
Habiendo examinado:
Having examined:
Número de examinados
Number examined
Pero he examinado...
But I’ve examined — ”
Ya te he examinado.
“I’ve examined you.
Cuando ella haya sido examinada.
When she's been examined.'
Pero los hemos examinado a todos.
But we examined all of you.
– ¿Los ha examinado?
“You have examined them?”
Y tenía que ser examinada.
It had to be examined.
Examinad esas bestias.
Examine these beasts.
—¿Han examinado el lodo? —No.
“Have they examined the slime?” “No.
—En las partes que he examinado no.
‘Not on the parts I’ve examined, no.
—Han examinado minuciosamente todas las alternativas.
Every alternative was neatly considered.
Hemos examinado largamente el caso adjunto.
Sir: We have considered at length the case enclosed.
El estudiante 5 los había examinado todos desde este punto de vista.
Student #5 had considered each moment from this perspective.
–Hemos examinado minuciosamente todas las posibilidades y ésta es la única que nos queda -repuso Prevlov.
“We have carefully considered every avenue, and this is the only one left open to us,” Prevlov said.
Una parte del personal sugiere la eliminación inmediata de SSW-89-58, pero la idea es examinada y rechazada.
A faction of the staff suggests immediate termination of SSW-89-58, but this advice is considered and rejected.
Tras haber examinado a otros hombres, había llegado a la conclusión de que el fiel Joey era preferible a cualquier otro.
For after considering a number of men, he had decided that simple, faithful Joey Long was preferable to any other.
-Todavía hay un aspecto de la operación irlandesa que no hemos examinado -dijo Peter, frunciendo el ceño por la intensa atención-.
"There is just one aspect of the Irish operation we have not yet considered," Peter broke in, frowning with concentration.
—Este Tribunal, después de haber examinado escrupulosamente tu caso, no se encuentra en condiciones de eximirte de prestar servicios en las Fuerzas Armadas de Su Majestad.
‘This Tribunal, having carefully considered your case, finds itself unable to grant exemption from service in His Majesty’s Armed Forces.
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