Translation for "es el salto" to english
Es el salto
  • it's the jump
  • it is the jump
Translation examples
it's the jump
- No es la caída, es el salto.
- Not the falling. It's the jumping.
Lankwiler saltó sobre uno de los gusanos, corrió todo lo largo de la criatura, saltó a otro, y luego a otro y finalmente montó a horcajadas sobre un gusano con protuberancias amarillas.
Lankwiler jumped out on one of the worms, ran along its length, jumped to another, and then another and at last straddled a worm with yellow knobs.
it is the jump
Esa noche saltó a través de la ventana de un segundo piso.
That evening, she jumped from a secondfloor window.
Los exportadores en Bangladesh no habían entendido ni aplicado debidamente las complejas disposiciones de "doble salto" y "triple salto".
Exporters in Bangladesh had failed to understand and properly apply complex "double jump" and "triple jump" provisions.
Poco tiempo después, un niño saltó de la cama y se hirió.
Shortly afterwards, a child had jumped out of bed and had injured himself.
f) 2 de heridas recibidas a consecuencia de un salto/caída
(f) 2 from injuries received as a result of a jump/fall.
—¡Salta, Peekay, corre, salta, salta!, —gritaba.
'Jump down, Peekay, run for it, jump, jump!' she screamed.
Salta Elizabeth salta a la paz.
Jump Elizabeth jump to peace.
Si le dice: “Salta”, él salta.
It says, 'Jump,' he jumps.
Salté. No sé quién saltó primero, pero salté.
"I jumped. Don't know who jumped first, but I just jumped.
Cuando yo diga que saltes, tú salta.
When I say jump, you jump.
Geralt saltó sobre él, cortando en el salto.
Geralt jumped over it, cutting it mid-jump.
Salta. —Clary cerró los ojos y saltó.
Jump.” She closed her eyes and jumped.
Salte, Hastings; salte del tren, le digo.
Jump, Hastings, but jump, I tell you.
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