Translation for "es declaradamente" to english
Es declaradamente
Translation examples
En efecto, los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad son Estados que declaradamente poseen armas nucleares.
Indeed, the five permanent members of the Security Council with the right of veto were also the declared nuclear-weapon States.
Al iniciar la ejecución de la segunda fase del memorando de entendimiento, desearía hacer mis votos por que los procedimientos de ejecución de esta fase se basen prácticamente en las disposiciones contenidas en el memorando de entendimiento y se inspiren en la finalidad declaradamente humanitaria de la resolución 986 (1995).
As we begin the second phase in the implementation of the memorandum of understanding of 20 May 1996 between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on the implementation of Security Council resolution 986 (1995), I should like to express the hope that the procedures to be followed in implementing this phase will in practice stem from the provisions of the memorandum of understanding and from the declared humanitarian objective of the resolution.
Stalin las adoraba, igual que adoraba a Pavlov, a pesar de ser declaradamente anticomunista.
Stalin adored them, just as he adored Pavlov, even though Pavlov openly declared that he was an anti-Communist.
it is avowedly
Este cuerpo es declaradamente feminista y presenta las cuestiones de la mujer en las noticias, examina temas no tradicionales, como la seguridad nacional y las fuerzas armadas, y aporta una perspectiva de género al análisis de hechos y cuestiones.
Avowedly feminist, they present women's issues on the news, discuss non-traditional topics such as national security and the military, and bring a gender perspective to their analysis of events and issues.
Los llamamientos de Hamas, Hezbollah y demás grupos extremistas que fueron los responsables del incremento de los disturbios en Israel y los ataques declaradamente antisemitas contra las comunidades judías en el exterior constituyen una apología incontestable del odio racial y religioso y deben ser condenados categóricamente por la Comisión.
The appeals of Hamas, Hezbollah and the other extremist groups that were responsible for fomenting riots in Israel and avowedly anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish communities abroad constituted open advocacy of racial and religious hatred and should be forthrightly condemned by the Commission.
   Era curioso que una persona tan declaradamente irreligiosa se empeñara tanto en escribir sobre la fe.
It was curious that so avowedly godless a person should keep trying to write about faith.
Por esta razón, es probable que los costarricenses sean las personas más predecibles de Latinoamérica y, al carecer de entusiasmo religioso, las más declaradamente políticas.
For this reason, the Costa Ricans are probably the most predictable people in Latin America and, lacking religious enthusiasm, the most avowedly political.
Al menos, mantenerlo en el estado de dependencia del que declaradamente están ahora tratando de liberarse y que, si hubieran esperado otro siglo, probablemente alcanzarían.
at least, to keep it in that state of dependency which they are now avowedly attempting to free themselves from, and which, had they waited for another century, they would probably achieve.
Doscientos años después del fin de la guerra, el número de naves completamente activas era en realidad menor que antes de que esta estallara (aunque, como no se cansaban de señalar los críticos de la Cultura, la Unidad General de Contacto media –declaradamente pacífica– era muy superior a la mayoría de las naves alienígenas con las que cabía esperar que topara a lo largo de su carrera).
two hundred years after the war ended, the number of fully active warcraft was actually smaller than it had been before the conflict began (though, as the Culture's critics never tired of pointing out, the average — and avowedly completely peaceful — General Contact Unit was more than a match for the vast majority of alien craft it was likely to bump into over the course of its career).
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