Translation for "erizada" to english
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Entonces el bebé elefante nace... y tiene realmente un pelo muy erizado.
Then the baby elephant comes out-- Has this really bristly hair.
y un bigote erizado.
and a bristly moustache;
El Samurai japonés es corpulento y erizado;
The Japanese Samurai is bristly and rotund;
Su cara estaba cubierta de un pelo erizado;
His face was covered with bristly hair;
—Sonrió en medio de su barba erizada—.
He smiled into his bristly beard.
Se pasó la mano por el cuero cabelludo erizado—.
He ran his hand over his bristly scalp.
Lo único que se le veía era la punta erizada del lomo.
All I could see was the bristly tip of its back.
De Stefano se pasó la mano por su cortísimo cabello erizado.
De Stefano rubbed his bristly crew-cut.
Se pasó las dos manos por su erizado pelo—.
He ran both his hands through his bristly hair.
Bigote erizado, muñecas gruesas, polo debajo de la chaqueta.
Bristly mustache, thick wrists, golf shirt under a blazer.
El pelo blanco se convirtió en una capa de pelusa erizada antes de desaparecer.
The white fur shortened, became a bristly coat of fuzz, and disappeared.
Mientras decía todas aquellas cosas me arreglaba de manera enérgica el cuello de la camisa y me peinaba mis erizados cabellos lo mejor que podía con los dedos: ¡lo mismo debía de hacer con Billy cuando lo despedía por las mañanas!
While she was saying these things she was briskly straightening my collar and combing my horrent hair with her fingers as best she could—I might have been Billy being seen off to school!
tiene grandes brotes de pelo en punta en torno a la cara, semejantes a cerdas erizadas, retorcidas, como si alguna vez en un pasado incierto le hubieran dado un susto de muerte y aún no hubiera recobrado la compostura.
he has a great star-burst of spiked fur surrounding his face, like a tilted, horrent ruff, as if at some time in the uncertain past he had been given a great fright and had not yet recovered his composure.
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