Translation for "eran injustos" to english
Eran injustos
Translation examples
they were unfair
7.25 El autor no ha suministrado ninguna prueba de que el proceso fuera injusto o motivado o viciado de alguna manera por la discriminación racial, o que el fallo del EOT fuera injusto.
7.25 The author has failed to provide any evidence that the proceedings were unfair, or motivated or tainted in any way by racial discrimination, or that the EOT judgement was unjust.
Porque sin mi permiso que los trabajadores despedidos y eran injustos con ellos!
Because without my permission.. sacked the workers and thus were unjust with them!
Y, naturalmente, todos los oficiales eran injustos y todas las mujeres infieles.
and of course all officers were unjust and all women unfaithful.
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