Translation for "entrevistado era" to english
Entrevistado era
Translation examples
interviewee was
IV. Lista de entrevistados 68
IV. List of interviewees
El entrevistado no pudo continuar su testimonio.
The interviewee was unable to continue his testimony.
Nunca más supimos de mi primo", concluyó el entrevistado.
There was no further news of my cousin," the interviewee concluded.
Las entrevistadas se seleccionaron al azar.
Interviewees were randomly selected at these sites.
El entrevistador debe obtener el consentimiento del entrevistado y aclarar que la entrevista es confidencial, voluntaria y puede ser interrumpida en el momento en que el entrevistado lo solicite.
The interviewer should also obtain the consent of the interviewee and make it clear that the interview is confidential, voluntary and can be interrupted at any time at the interviewee's request.
Distribución por género de los entrevistados de la muestra
Distribution of interviewees sampled by gender
Treinta de los entrevistados eran menores de 18 años.
Of these, 30 interviewees were under the age of 18.
Varios entrevistados afirmaron que en su celda no había retrete.
Several interviewees stated that their cells had no toilet.
Son entrevistados voluntariamente.
They're voluntary interviewees."
Uno de los entrevistados, el Sr.
He added abruptly, “One of your interviewees, Mr.
Un nervioso entrevistado se convierte en un esclavo sexual cautivo;
A nervous interviewee becomes a captive sex slave;
De hecho, resultaba sorprendente que los entrevistados hubiesen accedido a hablar con ella.
In fact, it was surprising that the interviewees had talked to her.
Dado que mi entrevistado era el profesor Priss, la cosa no era nada fácil.
Since my interviewee was Professor Priss, that wasn’t easy.
Cuando hacemos esas preguntas nos dan tantas respuestas diferentes como entrevistados hay.
Then we get just as many answers as the various interviewees.
Dado que mi entrevistado sería el profesor Priss, la cosa no iba a resultar fácil.
Since my interviewee was Professor Priss, that wasn’t easy.
Hijos de madres entrevistadas
interviewed mothers
Sin embargo, no son entrevistados.
However, they will not be interviewed.
gobiernos y organizaciones que fueron entrevistados
and organizations interviewed
¿Por qué está siendo entrevistado?
Why was he being interviewed?
Estos fueron entrevistados.
His parents had been interviewed.
—¿Los has entrevistado? —A uno de ellos.
“You interviewed them?” “One of them.
Había entrevistado a senadores;
He had interviewed senators;
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