Translation for "enfrentándome" to english
Translation examples
Lidia se colocó a mi derecha, enfrentándome.
Lidia stood by my right side, facing me.
Brian Kilpatrick permanecía a su lado, enfrentándome.
Brian Kilpatrick was near him, facing me.
Puso los brazos en jarras y se quedó allí parada, con las piernas ligeramente separadas, enfrentándome.
She placed her fists on her hips and stood with her legs slightly apart facing me.
Él arrastró los pies torpemente para seguir enfrentándome y al mismo tiempo giró su arma para apuntarme al estómago.
He shuffled awkwardly in order to remain facing me, at the same time swinging his gun up to aim it at my stomach.
Detrás del trono había una angosta puerta. En ella estaba Than Kosis enfrentándome, con la espada larga desenvainada, y entonces nos trabamos en lucha, aunque no era contrincante a mi medida.
Behind the throne was a narrow doorway and in this Than Kosis now stood facing me, with drawn long-sword. In an instant we were engaged, and I found no mean antagonist.
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