Translation for "encontrar-me" to english
Translation examples
Ese hombre te encontrará me encontrará si me quedo.
The man... he'll find you... he'll find me if I stay.
Pero me encontrará, me reconocerá donde sea.
He'll find me wherever I go.
Encontrarás me preparé mal para los visitantes en la actualidad.
You'll find me ill-prepared for visitors at present.
Creo que usted encontrará me dura, pero justa.
I think you'II find me tough, yet fair.
Me encontrará, me salvará y después te matará.
He'll find me, he'll save me, and then he'll kill you.
Escorpio me encontrará me obligará a decirle lo que sé
Scorpius will find me force me to tell him what I know.
Pero te lo aseguro, si lo pones en un paraíso fiscal, lo van a encontrar, me van a encontrar.
But I'm telling you, if you bury the money off-shore, they'll find it, they'll find me.
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