Translation for "encalado" to english
Translation examples
En un apartamento lindamente Encalado hay una butaca de ópera Abandonada contra la pared
In a nicely calcimined Apartment is a left-behind Opera chair against the wall
Entre los monteros figuraba el Bunam, y una criatura blanca, un hombre completamente teñido o encalado, le seguía de cerca.
With the game-beaters was the Bunam, and, following very closely, a white creature, a man completely dyed or calcimined.
La casa de Edith Leighton se hallaba en el borde del risco, y estaba delimitada por dos muros de cemento encalado, uno más alto que otro.
Her house was near the cliff's edge, and had two calcimined cement walls around it, one higher than the other.
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