Translation for "en su infancia" to english
En su infancia
Translation examples
in his infancy
Podría añadir, quizá: «Yo lo conocí en su infancia» o «Yo estaba presente en su circuncisión».
Adding, perhaps, “I knew him in his infancy” or “I was present at his circumcision.”
Toypurnia le hablaba en lengua indígena, los primeros sonidos que Diego oyera en su infancia y que no había olvidado.
Toypurnia spoke to him in the Indian tongue, the first sounds Diego had heard in his infancy, and which he had not forgotten.
in his childhood
Probablemente no fue el único fuego en su infancia.
Probably not the only fire in his childhood.
La historia comienza en su infancia, cuando Jiro Horikoshi tenía 10 años.
The story begins in his childhood, when Jiro Horikoshi is ten years old.
Pensamos que algo le ocurrió a nuestro sudes en su infancia.
We believe something happened to our unsub in his childhood.
Esta usted diciéndome... ¿qué Krishna está igual como Rohit fue en su infancia?
Are you telling me... that Krishna is the same as Rohit was in his childhood?
Yo soy la madre de ese Ram que, a cambio de un par de obligaciones en su infancia ...
I am the mother of that Ram who, in return for a couple of obligations in his childhood...
Tanmay Joglekar, nacido en Latur, se dio cuenta de algo en su infancia.
Tanmay Joglekar, born in Latur, had noticed one thing in his childhood.
Lo enterró en su infancia.
You buried him in his childhood.
En su infancia, las cosas eran más abiertas.
In his childhood,things were more open.
Está dirigido a los que sostiene el responsable por un trauma importante en su infancia.
He's targeting people that he holds responsible for a major trauma in his childhood.
Lo digital estaba en su infancia.
Digital was in its infancy.
La TEC solo está en su infancia.
ECT is only in its infancy.
La humanidad estaba en su infancia.
Humanity was in its infancy.
La misma televisión estaba en su infancia.
Television itself was in its infancy.
La cirugía cardiaca estaba en su infancia.
Cardiac surgery was in its infancy.
La ciencia todavía está en su infancia.
The science is still in its infancy.
—La psiquiatría está en su infancia.
`Psychiatry is in its infancy.
La arqueoastronomía está todavía en su infancia.
Archaeoastronomy is still in its infancy.
Tal era la naturaleza del universo cuando estaba en su infancia.
Such was the nature of the universe when it was in its infancy.
En su infancia, el sol era un niño revoltoso.
In its infancy, the sun was an unruly child.
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