Translation for "en constituidos" to english
Translation examples
En tercer lugar, se modifica la frase, "del tribunal arbitral constituido" por "del tribunal arbitral a constituirse" porque hasta ese momento todavía no está constituido.
Thirdly, the words "to be" have been added before the word "constituted" as the arbitral tribunal is not yet constituted at this stage.
3. El [órgano constituido] deberá:
The [constituted body] shall:
La Comisión quedó constituida así:
The Commission was constituted as follows:
¿Cómo está constituida la autoridad legislativa?
How is the legislative authority constituted?
El marco legal está constituido principalmente por:
The legal framework is primarily constituted by:
a) Está constituido por toma de rehenes intencionada; o
(a) Constituted the intentional taking of hostages; or
Estos han sido constituidos en cuatro distritos.
These have been constituted in four districts.
Órganos constituidos en virtud del Acuerdo
bodies constituted under the Agreement
A. Composición por sexos de los órganos constituidos
A. Gender composition of constituted bodies
De lo contrario, en el párrafo 5 tendremos una Mesa constituida y, en el párrafo 6, un Mesa que todavía no se ha constituido.
Otherwise we will have, in paragraph 5, a Bureau which is constituted and, in paragraph 6, a Bureau that is still not constituted.
Estaba constituido por el miedo.
It was constituted by the danger.
—Este es un espacio tecnológicamente constituido.
‘This is a technologically constituted space.’
Es un genio sin orden ni concierto, no un genio constituido.
It is a genius at random, and not a genius constituted.
Eso habría constituido violación de comunicación institucional.
That would have constituted a violation of institutional communications.
Parece que se han constituido en defensores del tesoro.
It seems that they have been constituted in defenders of the treasure.
Un desafío absoluto a la autoridad constituida, sargento.
Absolute defiance of constituted authority, Sergeant.
Por un instante se convirtieron en una familia constituida espontáneamente.
For a moment they became a spontaneously constituted family.
Los ingleses representan el Gobierno constituido de Palestina.
The British represent the constituted government of Palestine.
Fue debidamente constituida por medio de un edicto imperial…
They were duly constituted by imperial edict…
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