Translation for "ellos le dijeron" to english
Ellos le dijeron
Translation examples
Ellos le dijeron que en los cines solo presentarán películas habladas.
They told him that the theaters would only play talking pictures.
Ellos le dijeron que tenía que ser el siguiente. pero el no pudo, el nunca...
They told him he had to go next, but he couldn't, he would never...
Ellos le dijeron, que habria una emboscada. De manera que no vaya a comprar comida al almacen.
They told him that there was a boycott, so he should not go and buy food.
Ellos le dijeron que se suicide.
They told him to commit suicide.
Estamos hablando de Woysiatycz, que quería unirse a una excelente compañía y se metió en una reunión de Masones! Ellos le dijeron que ...
They told him to...
Eso es lo que ellos le dijeron para que baje la guardia.
That's what they told him so he'd let his guard down.
Ellos le dijeron que casa no era un refugio para él, que debìa partir por el camino guardar silencio y observar el sendero:
They told him that home held no refuge for him, that he must set out down the road keep silence and regard the path:
Los violadores no dijeron nada durante el acto.
Nothing was said by the perpetrators during the rape.
Otros dijeron que los progresos habían sido escasos.
Others said that progress had been limited.
Según dijeron, no había extranjeros.
No foreigners were said to be involved.
—¿Qué es lo que dijeron?
“And what was said?”
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