Translation for "ellos instituyeron" to english
Ellos instituyeron
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Durante la campaña electoral se instituyeron disposiciones más estrictas de seguridad, en particular aumentaron las patrullas en Bangui.
22. During the election campaign, enhanced security arrangements were instituted, including increased patrols throughout Bangui.
En el 2,2% de los casos se instituyeron procedimientos judiciales y se impusieron sanciones administrativas consistentes en una multa.
In 2.2 per cent of cases, court proceedings were instituted and administrative penalties consisting of a fine were imposed.
Se instituyeron visitas mensuales hasta tanto la institución cumpliera cabalmente las cláusulas del contrato y las normas aplicables.
Monthly site visits were instituted until the facility became compliant with the contract and applicable standards.
La OMS y el PMA instituyeron programas para mejorar el comportamiento respecto de la nutrición y la salud.
WHO and WFP instituted programmes to improve nutritional and health behaviours.
Se instituyeron las recusaciones.
The institution of a complaint was introduced.
En todos ellos se instituyeron procedimientos disciplinarios.
Disciplinary proceedings were instituted in all cases.
En 2001 se instituyeron clases separadas de educación física para varones y niñas en los niveles 5 a 11.
In 2001, separate physical education classes were instituted for boys and girls in grades 511.
—Pero ¿no se instituyeron en respuesta a una crisis?
“But weren’t they instituted in response to a crisis?
Se instituyeron ejercicios de defensa antiaérea con alegría por parte de los escolares y el enfado de los maestros.
Anti-aircraft defence drill was instituted, to the great joy of the schoolchildren, and the annoyance of the teachers.
Luego, por orden de los superiores, los monjes instituyeron la Ceremonia del Niño, que se celebraba todos los años y que ellos mismos encabezaban.
The monks then instituted, on orders from above, the Ceremony of the Child, which took place every year, and which they conducted.
—Por el lado positivo, no ha habido tantas tormentas de luz desde que se instituyeron las reglas, y no ha habido informes de perdiciones en meses, por supuesto.
“On the plus side, there haven’t been as many light storms since the rules were instituted, and no reports of bane in months, of course.”
UU.", Se instituyeron otras disposiciones para reducir el riesgo que el público y el país tendrían que asumir como los bancos buscaron promover sus propios intereses.
other provisions were instituted to reduce the risk the public and the country would have to bear as the banks looked to advance their own interests.
No osando los dominadores afrontar a los terribles cazadores, que no erraban jamás un golpe, decidieron matarlos de hambre, y para esto instituyeron las compañías volantes.
Not daring the Spaniards to face those terrible hunters, which they do not they never missed a beat, they had decided to starve them and therefore they had instituted those flying companies.
Nunca llegué a saber si instituyeron sus «reformas» porque habían recibido órdenes del alto mando de la liga de reducir los gastos de las logias o simplemente porque eran personas de espíritu frío y austero.
I never learned whether they instituted their "reforms" because orders had come down from the high command of the guild to tighten the expenses of the lodges or simply because they were persons of cold and astringent spirit.
hubo una subida del número de matrimonios de gente vieja con parejas muy jóvenes, se emitieron sellos con retratos de Viejos Famosos, se instituyeron los Juegos de los Viejos y Gregory invitó a su madre a vivir en un cuarto pequeño y soleado en la parte trasera de su casa.
there was a spate of marriages between very old and very young partners; stamps bearing the portraits of Famous Old People were issued; the Old People’s Games were instituted; and Gregory invited his mother to live in a small sunny room at the back of his house.
Al ver lo agotado que estaba Lindbergh, los responsables de su gira por Estados Unidos instituyeron una nueva norma: no tendría más de cuatro horas y media de apariciones personales al día; dos horas y media de desfiles y discursos de día, y dos horas de banquete por la noche.
Seeing how tired Lindbergh had become, those responsible for his tour instituted a rule that he would provide no more than four and a half hours of personal appearances a day – two and a half hours of parades and speeches by day and two hours of banqueting at night.
La gratificación simple, día tras día, es lo que existió en la llamada Edad de Oro de Grecia, donde instituyeron tres clases de mujeres: esposas, concubinas y prostitutas, y al mismo tiempo idealizaron la homosexualidad, lo cual puede ser bárbaro e inmoral bajo muchos estándares, pero produce un sorprendente grado de sensatez.
Simple, day-by-day gratification, as in what is called the Golden Age of Greece, where they instituted three classes of women: wives, hetaerae and prostitutes, and at the same time idealized homosexuality, may be barbaric and immoral by many standards, but produces a surprising degree of sanity.
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