Translation for "elevarla" to english
Translation examples
En el futuro se consideraría la posibilidad de elevarla a los 18 años.
The possibility of raising it to 18 years would be considered in the future.
El Comité alienta al Estado Parte a que tenga en cuenta la necesidad de elevarla aún más.
The Committee encourages the State party to consider the need to raise the age of criminal responsibility further.
Aunque ha habido propuestas de elevarla a 12, finalmente se ha aceptado la edad de nueve años.
While there had been suggestions to raise it to 12, in the end the age of 9 had been accepted.
En cuanto a la edad de la responsabilidad penal (7 años), parece razonable elevarla.
It would be well advised to raise the current age of criminal responsibility, which currently stood at seven years.
Al elevarlo a este cargo, la comunidad internacional reconoce las cualidades que le honran a él, a su país y a todo el continente africano.
In raising him to this position, the international community recognized the qualities that have brought honour to him, his country and the entire African continent.
El orador considera que la edad mínima de 14 años es demasiado baja. ¿Prevé el Gobierno elevarla?
In his view, the minimum age of 14 was too low. Had the Government any plans to raise it?
Además, recuerda que el autor debe como mínimo plantear a los tribunales nacionales los elementos de fondo de sus denuncias antes de elevarlas al Comité.
It further recalls that an author is required to at least raise the substance of his or her claims in the domestic courts before submitting them to the Committee.
Yo quiero elevarla en un cien por cien. —¿Para qué?
I intend to raise it by one hundred." "What for?"
Si estuviese fabricado de plomo, hubiésemos podido elevarlo.
If it were made of lead, we could have raised it.
Apenas consiguió elevarla por encima de un susurro—.
She could barely raise her voice above a whisper.
Es más: puedes ampliar sus fronteras o elevarla hasta el cielo.
And you can extend its borders outward or raise them to the skies.
No se gana suficiente dinero para elevarlo a la importancia y dignidad de un oficio.
There is not enough money in it to raise it to the importance and dignity of a racket.
la finalidad de todo aquel asunto, ¿no era elevarles a todos por encima de la carne?
wasn't this whole affair designed to raise them all above the flesh?
Pasé la automática a la mano izquierda y empecé a elevarla.
I transferred the automatic to my left hand and started to raise it again.
nada que pueda hacer progresar a la humanidad, ni elevarla por encima de sí misma.
nothing which has contributed to the progress of humanity or raised it above itself
Llamaron a las tres. Su presión sanguínea había vuelto a bajar y no podían elevarla.
They called at three—her blood pressure had dropped again and they couldn’t raise it.
Eso fue el resultado del experimento de uno de nuestros hechiceros, quien se las arregló para elevar la torre unos pocos metros, aunque ya no pudo elevarla más.
This was the result of an ex- periment of one of our sorcerers who managed to raise the tower a few feet but could raise it no further. esfuerzan en elevarlas.
They strive to raise them.
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