Translation for "el no pudo" to english
El no pudo
  • he could not
  • the could not
Translation examples
he could not
oh Dios estoy segura de que él tendría algo mejor que decirle a un viejo león oh bueno supongo que fue debido a que estaban tan redonditas y tentadoras en mi corta enagua que el no pudo resistirse a mí misma me excitan a veces
God, I think he has something better to say. A lion would have! Oh, I think it's because they are so plump and tempting inside my jacket, he could not resist!
El no pudo aceptarlo, y sus celos resultaron en un ataque vengativo.
He could not accept it, and his jealousy turned outward in a vengeful attack.
El no pudo saber lo errado que estaba.
He could not have known how wrong he was.
tenemos que meter esa idea en la mente del jurado el no pudo haberlo hecho.
We've got to break that thought into the jury's mind... He could not have done it.
—¿Y no pudo tratarlos? —No, no pudo.
"And he could not treat these?" "No, he couldn't.
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