Translation for "el cabello es negro" to english
El cabello es negro
Translation examples
the hair is black
Su largo cabello era negro.
Her long hair was black.
Su cabello era negro y largo;
His hair was black and long.
Su cabello era negro y corto en el cuello.
Her hair was black and cropped at the neck.
Su cabello era negro y espeso.
Her hair was black and thick, billowing over her shoulders.
– Se había oscurecido la cara y las manos y se había teñido el cabello de negro.
Face and hands darkened, hair dyed black.
Todos teman cabello castaño, negro o gris.
Jacobs--all of them had brown hair or black or gray.
Yo le teñí el cabello de negro azabache, como el de la Dalia.
I dyed her hair jet black, like the Dahlia's.
Su piel era aceitunada y su cabello, casi negro.
His complexion was olive-toned and his hair almost black.
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