Translation for "dodecaédrico" to english
Translation examples
Es un cristal dodecaédrico que hallé escondido en un tanque de morsas.
That's a dodecahedral crystal I found hidden in the downstairs walrus tank.
Trifid, hexagonal, dodecahedral war; self-consuming monster
Paolo contempló las toscas imágenes de neutrinos de las alfombras moviéndose con temblores de staccato por su panorama hogar dodecaédrico.
Paolo watched the crude neutrino images of the carpets moving in staccato jerks around his dodecahedral homescape.
Recordó su cámara dodecaédrica, amueblada con instrumentos de tortura y con su mórbida oscuridad realzada por los destellos de las alimañas electrocutadas.
He remembered her dodecahedral chamber, furnished with instruments of torture, its morbid gloom punctuated by the flashes of electrocuted vermin.
El niño se abrazó del muslo de su madre con cierta dificultad, debida a la esfera Hoberman, una estructura dodecaédrica plegable de colores que se había dejado cerrar alrededor del cuello y lucía a modo de casco con pinchos.
He wrapped his arms around her thigh with some difficulty, due to the Hoberman sphere, a multicoloured collapsible dodecahedron frame, which he had allowed to close around his neck and wore as a spiky helmet.
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