Translation for "doctoral" to english
Translation examples
e) Preparar una tesis doctoral;
(e) Doctoral study;
Director de numerosas tesis doctorales
Director of many State doctorate theses.
Sin embargo, pueden presentarse tesis doctorales.
However, it is possible to submit a doctoral dissertation.
Dirección de tesis doctorales
Supervision of doctoral theses
Dirección de tesis doctorales (10 leídas).
Supervision of doctoral theses (10 read).
Tesis doctoral, Ginebra, 1971
Defence of doctoral thesis, Geneva, 1971
1965 a 1968 Estudios doctorales en Ginebra
1965-1968 Doctoral studies in Geneva
Directora de tesis doctorales
Adviser to doctoral candidates
Leemos ensayos, tesis doctorales.
We read essays, doctoral theses.
Recibí mi grado doctoral allí.
Received my doctoral degree there.
Está escribiendo su tesis doctoral.
He's writing his doctoral thesis.
¿tienes frío sin la capa doctoral?
Cold without a doctoral cap?
¿Sobre qué era su tesis doctoral?
What was her doctoral thesis about?
Trabajo en mi tesis doctoral.
I'm working on my doctoral thesis.
Tengo su tesis doctoral...
I have your doctoral thesis --
¿Defenderse con su tesis doctoral?
Hit 'em with your doctoral thesis?
El examen doctoral ...
The doctoral exam...
Mi tesis doctoral.
My doctoral thesis.
Candidato doctoral.
Doctoral candidate.
¿Escribiste tu tesis doctoral sobre ellos?
You wrote your doctoral thesis on the Obin?
y que no había escrito nunca una tesis doctoral.
And he didn’t have a doctorate either.
Era también el tema de su tesis doctoral.
This was also the subject he had been allotted for his doctoral thesis.
Su tesis doctoral se había centrado en la Polaris.
He’d done his doctoral thesis on the Polaris.
Ambas estaban escribiendo sus tesis doctorales.
Both were in the midst of writing their doctoral dissertations.
Mi tesis doctoral investigaba la comunicación con los trolls.
My doctoral research was in communication with trolls.
Y entonces mi programa doctoral llegó a su fin.
And then I came to the end of my doctoral program.
La tesis doctoral avanza despacio, pero sin pausa.
His doctoral thesis is progressing slowly but surely.
Eso de geólogos que hacen la tesis doctoral no se lo cree nadie.
Not a couple geology students working for doctorates.
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