Translation for "deuda pendiente" to english
Deuda pendiente
Translation examples
pending debt
Por consiguiente, es imperioso abordar todos los problemas de la deuda pendientes, y establecer un sistema financiero viable y adaptado al desarrollo de todos los países.
All pending debt problems must be dealt with as a matter of urgency, and a sustainable financial system must be created, taking into account the development needs of all countries.
26. El proceso se ha estado ejecutando de manera gradual, en función de responder adecuadamente a los compromisos de pago de deudas pendientes y de pasivos laborales.
26. The process is being gradually implemented, in such a way as to provide an adequate response to pending debt payment commitments and labour liabilities.
ella le paga las mensualidades a Violeta, dice que es un compromiso que tiene con mi madre, una deuda pendiente.
she says it’s something she had with my mother, a pending debt.
Entre tanto, los nuevos préstamos se añadían al volumen de deuda pendiente.
Meanwhile, the additional lending was adding to the stock of outstanding debt.
a) un acuerdo definitivo para saldar toda la deuda pendiente;
(a) A once-and-for-all arrangement for settling all outstanding debt;
b) Deuda pendiente del Iraq;
Outstanding debt owed by Iraq;
En la actualidad, la deuda pendiente es de aproximadamente 2 millones de dólares.
Currently, the outstanding debt is approximately $2 million.
a) Deudas pendientes en relación con obras ferroviarias en el Iraq
(a) Outstanding debts in relation to railway works in Iraq
El reclamante pide una indemnización por la deuda pendiente.
The claimant seeks compensation for the balance of the outstanding debt.2.
Deuda pendiente desembolsada en: 1990 1991 1992
Disbursed outstanding debt - 1990 1991 1992
a) La deuda pendiente, la inversión en el capital social y las ganancias previstas.
(a) Outstanding debt, equity investment and anticipated profit.
Tú y yo tenemos una deuda pendiente.
You and I have an outstanding debt.
Paga todas mis deudas pendientes.
Pay off all my outstanding debt.
Necesito que Tumbes la deuda pendiente, Roy.
Need you to knock down the outstanding debt, Roy.
Una pequeña deuda pendiente.
A small outstanding debt.
Necesito que busques todas las deudas pendientes.
I need you to pull in all outstanding debts.
Uds tienen una deuda pendiente de pago.
You have an outstanding debt to pay. All of you.
¿Sabe como trato con mis deudas pendientes?
You know how I deal with outstanding debts?
Aún tienes una deuda pendiente.
You still have an outstanding debt.
¿Tiene alguna deuda pendiente?
Did he have any outstanding debts?
Tiene una deuda pendiente de casi seis cifras.
But he has almost six figures of outstanding debt.
Y sentía esa certeza como si fuera una deuda pendiente.
And I was so certain of it that it felt like an outstanding debt.
Toda deuda pendiente correrá a tu cargo.
Any outstanding debts would have to be honoured by you.
Tu padre tiene una importante deuda pendiente de cancelar.
Your father has a load of outstanding debt that must be settled.
Ya te dije que tenía algunas deudas pendientes y que lo primero de todo era eso.
I told you, I had a few outstanding debts I had to take care of first.
El alquiler apenas le rentaba para pagar los intereses de la deuda pendiente.
In fact, the rent he was earning barely paid the interest payments on the outstanding debt.
No me quedó claro si estaba orgulloso de ello o si me estaba confiando una deuda pendiente.
I wasn't sure if that was meant to be a declaration of pride, or an intimation of an outstanding debt.
Y aun si Estados Unidos quería ceder el dinero como un modo de saldar parte de su deuda pendiente, se necesitaría que el Congreso aprobara el desembolso.
And even if the United States wanted to pay the money as a means of settling part of its outstanding debt, Congress would be required to okay the expenditure.
Sin embargo, su Waterloo se divisaba en el horizonte, sus inmensas deudas pendientes estaban a punto de vencer y sus favores a las celebridades eran reconocidos, aunque fuese a regañadientes, por lo que todos estaban allí.
His Agincourt, however, was on the horizon, his outstanding debts soon to be called in, and his favors to the movers and the shakers reluctantly acknowledged, so all were there.
No había para más, pues de los mismos bienes había que pagar varias deudas pendientes, grandes y pequeñas, y entre ellas los veinte mil duros de pesadilla recurrente del profesor Lancaster.
There was not enough for other bequests, because these same possessions had to be used to pay outstanding debts, both large and small, including the recurrent nightmare of the twenty thousand duros owed to Professor Lancaster.
Le aseguró que su paciencia pertenecía a la más inquebrantable de las variedades femeninas, y que esperaría cuanto hiciese falta para que la deuda pendiente (pues así concebía la herencia) le fuese pagada.
She assured him that her patience was of the most stalwart female variety, and that she would wait for as long as necessary for the outstanding debt (so she conceived of the inheritance) to be paid out to her.
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