Translation for "deteniéndome" to english
Translation examples
—Eh —dijo Amelia, deteniéndome—.
‘Hey,’ Amelia said, stopping me.
Ogarrio me toma del brazo, deteniéndome;
Ogarrio takes my arm, stopping me;
—Voy enseguida —dije yo disponiéndome a irme, pero lord Orville, deteniéndome, dijo muy emocionado: —¿Entonces, señorita Anville, se separa de mí?
but Lord Orville, stopping me, said, with great emotion, ‘Is it thus, Miss Anville, you leave me?’
--No necesitamos hablar de anoche. --Traté de restarle importancia y volví corriendo a empacar, pero él puso su mano en mi brazo mientras yo pasaba corriendo, deteniéndome.
“We don’t need to talk about last night.” I tried to brush him off and run back to packing, but he put his hand on my arm as I darted by, stopping me.
Abrió su carpeta y en ella fui echándolas, menos la de Fraser, la que no era reproducción sino original recorte, porque él alzó el índice deteniéndome cuando iba a depositarla junto a las otras, y acto seguido se tocó con el pulgar el pecho.
He opened the file and I began putting the drawings back, apart from the one by Fraser, the one that was not a reproduction but an original cutting, because he raised his forefinger again to stop me as I was about to put it back with the others, then immediately touched his own chest with his thumb.
No soy buena deteniéndome.
I'm not that good at stopping.
Me siento rara deteniéndome aquí.
MOTHER: I feel sort of funny even stopping here.
—Ah —dije yo deteniéndome.
'Oh,' I had stopped walking.
—Sí, su señoría —contesté yo, deteniéndome.
‘I am, my Lord,’ answered I, yet I stopped.
Corky puso una de sus manos sobre la mía, deteniéndome.
He's got his hand on mine, stopping the dialing.
―Dios santo ―dije, deteniéndome en el túnel.
"Holy God," I said, stopping in the tunnel.
Yo, deteniéndome en la lectura, levanté la cabeza y miré a Giuliana.
I stopped, and looked up at Giuliana.
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