Translation for "deslumbraba" to english
Translation examples
La deslumbraba con palabras fantásticas dentro del proscenio del marco de la vitrina.
She was dazzling them with fantastic worlds within the proscenium arch of the window frame.
Verás, creo que eso me deslumbraba, sus posibilidades.
You see, I think that's what I was dazzled by - his prospects.
Mientras deslumbrabas a la prensa, me llamaron los jefes de tu sicario.
While you were dazzling the press corps, I got a phone call from your would-be assassin's employers.
A todos les deslumbraba la fama.
Everyone dazzling by fame.
Se invertían 50 libras y se obtenían 6 mil libras de ganancia, imagínense, lo que más obtuvo su audiencia fueron dolores de cabeza por los escapes de gas, mientras encendía sus asombrosos quemadores de formas variadas, tamaños, diseños, y deslumbraba a la audiencia.
Put 50 pound in and you get 6.000 pounds out; mind you, all most of his audience got was a headache from the escaping gas, as he turned on his amazing burners of varying shapes, sizes, and designs, and dazzled the onlookers.
La luz nos deslumbraba.
The light was dazzling.
Su encanto me deslumbraba.
I was dazzled by their loveliness.
Todo lo demás resplandecía, deslumbraba.
Elsewhere all was glowing, dazzling.
El resplandor del cielo le deslumbraba.
The glow of the heavens dazzled him.
El sol de la mañana le deslumbraba.
The morning sun was dazzling him.
La sombra del bosque deslumbraba y asfixiaba.
The shade of the forest dazzled and stifled.
La belleza de la mujer deslumbraba al muchacho.
The woman’s beauty dazzled him.
A sus espaldas, la blancura del patio deslumbraba.
The white stone of the patio behind them was dazzling.
La luz lo deslumbraba y no podía verla.
He cannot see her for the glare.
—El brillo de la calva de tu tío abuelo me deslumbraba.
“The glare off your great-uncle’s bald spot was blinding me.
El vapor de mercurio del patio de luces deslumbraba más allá de la casa.
The mercury vapor yardlights glared beyond the house.
Y las aceras y las calles, apresuradamente despejadas con palas y máquinas, de un blanco que deslumbraba.
And the sidewalks, and the streets, hastily shoveled and plowed, glaring white.
Su rostro brillaba y me deslumbraba, así que apenas podía mirarla.
Her face was shiny and glaring, so that I could barely look at her.
El vagón deslumbraba a causa de la luz solar, pero el viento que penetraba era muy frío.
The coach was hurtfully glaring with sunlight but the wind that invaded the coach was very cool.
Era el mismo que habíamos visto antes en la carretera, pero esta vez el resplandor del sol deslumbraba al conductor.
It was the same one we had seen earlier on the road, the driver obliterated by glare.
Los fanales de los barcos parecían saludarlos con una luz que, sin la competencia de la luna, casi deslumbraba.
the ship-lanterns beckoned them on, almost glaring bright with no moon for competition.
Era un feo día para volar, los ríos estaban de un horrible amarillo túrbido, la luz deslumbraba.
It was an ugly day for flying, the rivers an evil turbid yellow, the glare inescapable.
- No pude ver nada. - Vaya. Nada, excepto una única luz que deslumbraba.
Nothing, except a single light that blinded me.
La luz deslumbraba las ventanas de la casa.
The windows of the house were blinded with light.
El sol que se filtraba entre las ramas me deslumbraba.
The sun filtering through the foliage blinded me.
Todo el suelo estaba cubierto de nieve, que deslumbraba brillando al sol.
The ground was covered with snow, and under the sun the white radiance was almost blinding.
Manille se había situado de manera que él se encontraba en la sombra y que el sol deslumbraba a Rudy.
Manille was so positioned that he was in shadow, whereas Rudy was blinded by the sun.
El sol la deslumbraba, se puso las gafas de sol de Freda y cerró los ojos.
The sun was blinding. Then she put on Freda's sunglasses and closed her eyes.
Unos cuervos picoteaban junto a la carretera y el sol que entraba por el parabrisas me deslumbraba.
Crows picked at the roadside, and sunlight breaking through the windshield made me blind.
Estaba todo mojado y hacía un frío tremendo; a pesar de la luz de la linterna, la nieve la deslumbraba y confundía.
It was wet and bitterly cold and even with the torch to guide her, the snow was blinding, confusing.
Si no la deslumbraba con su brillantez, por lo menos no la trastornaba con ningún tipo de extravagancia.
If he didn’t blind her with his brilliance, he at least didn’t upset her with an erraticism he didn’t possess.
Huesos de dedos. Quizá de pies. Y la corona de huesos parecía llevar joyas, aunque quizá solo deslumbraba.
Finger bones. Maybe foot bones. And the bone crown was bejeweled—or possibly bedazzled.
Los escandinavos, en diversos idiomas, compartían su evaluación del valle; todos estaban de acuerdo en que habían llegado a un país de maravillas, tan bello como Noruega o Suecia, y la magnitud de sus componentes los deslumbraba.
In their varied tongues the Scandinavians shared their assessments of this valley, and all agreed that they had come upon a wonderland as fine as anything in Norway or Sweden, and the magnitude of the components bedazzled them.
Nos bombardeaban con lentejuelas por todos lados, el oro nos deslumbraba.
On every side we were battered by sequins, dazed with gold.
Escuchó la lluvia y pensó en ella, en cómo lo cegaba y lo deslumbraba.
He listened to the rain and thought of her, how she masked and dazed him.
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