Translation for "desinhibidor" to english
  • disinhibitor
Translation examples
Dicen que el alcohol es desinhibidor y parece estar afectándome.
They say that alcohol is a disinhibitor and it seems to be working very well on me.
A bajas dosificaciones la droga actua como un desinhibidor.
At low dosages the drug acts as a disinhibitor.
Creo que el desinhibidor ha sido eliminado.
I think the disinhibitor has been wiped out.
Seguro que el desinhibidor hará que los mamíferos reaccionen con menos eficiencia;
Surely the disinhibitor will make the mammals react less efficiently;
Parece que yo no fui el único empleado de «Quantum» con el que probaron el desinhibidor.
It would seem that I was not the first Quantum employee on whom you had tried the disinhibitor.
El desinhibidor entra en el riego sanguíneo del cerebro, ¿sabe? —explicó Anderson.
The disinhibitor must leak across the blood-brain barrier, you know,” said Anderson.
Hacía solamente nueve días de la inyección del desinhibidor y cada paso había sido hacia delante.
It was only nine days since the injection of the disinhibitor and every step had been forward.
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