Translation for "deprimirse" to english
Translation examples
Como Freda no tardó en averiguar, en Nueva York es facilísimo deprimirse.
As Freda learned quickly, it was easy to get depressed in New York.
En este caso, la persona que hace su propio trabajo puede deprimirse de mil maneras.
Here a person who does his own work can get depressed in a number of ways.
Sin embargo, uno no podía pasar demasiado tiempo en compañía de la fiera muerta sin empezar a deprimirse.
One could, however, spend only so much time in the company of a dead pig without becoming depressed.
—Después de que Mariah descubriera que tenía otra aventura, pensó que podía deprimirse de nuevo.
“After Mariah discovered you were having another affair,” Joan says smoothly, “you were worried that she might become depressed again.
Decker sabía que Sandy Lancaster era dulce, graciosa, alegre y que se entusiasmaba por todo y con todos, pero también que podía deprimirse y estar ansiosa por cosas relativamente triviales. En tales casos, no podía dormir, y eso significaba que en su casa no dormía nadie.
Decker knew Sandy Lancaster as gentle, funny, bubbly, and wildly enthusiastic about everything and everyone. But he knew she could also become depressed and anxious over something relatively trivial. And then she wouldn’t sleep. Which meant no one else in the Lancaster household did either.
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