Translation for "demostrando era" to english
Demostrando era
Translation examples
La región del Caribe sigue demostrando su compromiso con el proceso democrático.
The Caribbean region continues to demonstrate its commitment to the democratic process.
Nuestros negociadores están demostrando ese espíritu en Ginebra.
Our negotiators are demonstrating that spirit in Geneva.
La OSSI seguirá demostrando la excelencia profesional:
12. OIOS will continue to demonstrate professional excellence by:
La comunidad internacional está demostrando un creciente interés en la cuestión de la migración.
7. The international community is demonstrating increasing interest in the issue of migration.
Se está ensayando o demostrando en condiciones similares fuera del país de acogida
* Being tested or demonstrated in similar conditions outside the host country
Todos los partidos políticos siguieron demostrando respeto por las instituciones del Estado.
10. All political parties continued to demonstrate respect for State institutions.
Albania sigue demostrando la madurez cada vez mayor de su democracia.
Albania is continuing to demonstrate the growing maturity of its democracy.
Ese espíritu de compromiso ya se está demostrando en nuestras medidas.
That spirit of commitment is already being demonstrated in our actions.
1. Demostrando en la teoría y en la práctica que, puesto que todos somos interdependientes:
1. By demonstrating both in theory and in practice that, since all are interdependent:
Los estudiantes de este grupo también están demostrando mayor interés en la enseñanza de tercer nivel.
Pasifika students are also demonstrating a commitment to tertiary education.
Señalando, demostrando, explicando.
Pointing, demonstrating, explaining.
Otra vez demostrando ser servicial.
Again, that demonstration of helpfulness.
Me está demostrando su dominio del mundo.
He is demonstrating, to me, his mastery of the world.
Ya teníamos público, y él estaba demostrando que yo era suyo.
We already had an audience, and he was demonstrating his possession of me.
Se estaba demostrando un principio natural, el del desposeimiento.
A natural principle was being demonstrated, that of divestment.
Maxwell te estaba demostrando simplemente su poder.
Maxwell was simply demonstrating his own power.
Demostrando el esfuerzo físico del pensamiento auténtico.
Demonstrating the physical exertion of real thought.
—He estado demostrando lo difícil que es atrapar al viento.
“I’ve been demonstrating how hard it is to catch the wind.
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