Translation for "demasiada bebida" to english
Translation examples
Demasiada bebida, demasiado miedo, demasiada soledad.
Too much drinking, too much fear, too much loneliness.
Me dice: «Kwan, tienes razón, demasiada bebida en discoteca, mala para mí, muy muy mala.
He tell me, ‘Kwan, you right, too much drinking at disco club, bad for me, very-very bad.
Demasiada bebida, demasiado movimiento, demasiados borrachos que me daban miedo.
There was too much drinking, and too much jumping, and I was often scared of some of the men when they’d had too much wine.
Apenas pudo levantar la máquina él solo: demasiada bebida y nada de ejercicio.
He could hardly get the machine upright on his own—too much drinking and too much sitting around; he was a mess.
—Vaya. Demasiada bebida. Le extendió el vaso a Jack, que se lo llenó a medias mientras él le daba un buen trago a la botella.
“Oops. Too much drink.” She held out her glass and he filled it halfway and took a long gurgling drink from the bottle.
Un asunto feo entre dos personas de costumbres dudosas. Demasiado amor, demasiada bebida y demasiada proximidad, mezcla que había desembocado en odio salvaje, un impulso asesino y muerte.
A nasty affair between two rather nasty people, too much loving, too much drinking, too much proximity ending in a savage hatred and a murderous impulse and death.
Deryn miró hacia atrás mientras escalaba y vio que la bestia parecía perder el equilibrio tambaleándose en aquel momento, deambulando entre los árboles caídos como un aviador con demasiada bebida en el cuerpo.
Deryn glanced backward as she climbed, and saw that the bear looked unsteady on its feet now, ambling across the fallen trees like an airman full of too much drink.
Ingería demasiadas bebidas gaseosas frías y no experimentaba ningún entusiasmo por hacer nada.
I was drinking too much cold fizzy stuff, and could not get myself really excited about doing anything.
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