Translation for "definitivamente perdido" to english
Definitivamente perdido
Translation examples
Si, definitivamente perdido la direccion asistida.
Yeah, I definitely lost power steering.
Andrej Zborowsky estaba definitivamente perdido por la ciencia.
Andrej Zborowsky was definitively lost to science.
Aquella prueba de quién era yo, que por las muchas circunstancias favorables que la habían acompañado por considerar irrepetible, había pasado así, inobservada, desperdiciada, definitivamente perdida para toda una zona del universo, sólo porque aquel señor se había permitido sus cinco minutos de distracción, de vaguedad, digamos también de irresponsabilidad, papando moscas como un estúpido, quizá en la euforia del que ha bebido un vaso de más, y en su cartel no había encontrado nada mejor que escribir signos sin sentido, quizá el tema tonto que estaba silbando, olvidado de sus obligaciones, TRA-LA-LA-LA.
That proof of myself, which – because of the various favorable circumstances that had accompanied it – I considered incapable of repetition, had gone by unobserved, wasted, definitely lost for a whole zone of the universe, only because that gentleman had allowed himself five minutes of idleness, of relaxation, we might as well say of irresponsibility, his head in the air like an idiot, perhaps in the euphoria of someone who has had a drop too much, and on his sign he had found nothing better to write than a meaningless scrawl, perhaps the silly tune that he had been whistling, forgetting his duties, TRA-LA-LA-LA.
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