Translation for "de hecho lejos" to english
De hecho lejos
  • in fact far
  • indeed away
Translation examples
in fact far
La Corte siguió este precedente y consideró aplicable el Tratado en el caso Oil Platforms De hecho, lejos de considerar abrogado o suspendido el Tratado de amistad, la Corte basó su propia competencia en él.
71. The Court followed this precedent and took the Treaty as applicable in Oil Platforms. In fact, far from viewing the Treaty as abrogated or suspended, the Court based its very jurisdiction upon the Treaty of Amity.
De hecho, lejos de crear una nueva teología, Tolkien se limitó a adoptar y adaptar una teología antigua para su uso.
In fact, far from creating a new theology Tolkien merely adopted and adapted an old one to his own use.
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