Translation for "cílix" to english
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Creo que fue Cilix.
I believe it was Cilix.
- Cilix ha muerto.
- Cilix is dead.
Cilix puede ser astuto, pero también es un cobarde.
Cilix may be cunning, but he's also a coward.
Cilix querrá averiguar si la oferta es genuina.
Cilix will seek to find out if the offer is genuine.
Cilix y sus aliados se opondrán.
Cilix and his allies will oppose us.
Parece que tu poder se desvanece, Cilix.
It seems your power is slipping away, Cilix.
Cilix, Tercera Cohorte, Segunda Manípula.
Cilix, Third Cohort, Second Maniple.
Sin dudas, Cilix sospechará.
No doubt Cilix will suspect it.
Sin dudas Cilix intentará quedarse con el trono.
No doubt Cilix will try and take the throne for himself.
Cilix no se lo creerá.
Cilix will never fall for it.
—Y Cástor y Pólux, y Cadmo y Cilix.
“And Castor and Pollux, and Cadmus and Cilix.”
—exclamaron Cadmo, Cílix y su fiel amigo Taso.
cried Cadmus and Cilix, and their faithful friend Thasus.
—le respondieron al unísono Cadmo, Fénix y Cílix.
"Good-by," shouted Cadmus, Phœnix, and Cilix, all in one breath.
Fénix, Cílix, ¿dónde estáis? ¡Socorro! ¡Socorro! ¡Venid a ahuyentar a este toro!
Cilix! Where are you all? Help! Help! Come and drive away this bull!
Dime otros nombres. —¿Alfabéticamente? Butes está emparejado con Erecteus, y Cadmo con Cilix.
Tell me the other names.” “Alphabetically? Butes is paired with Erectheus, and Cadmus is paired with Cilix.”
y Cadmo, Fénix y Cílix se apresuraron a ir tras ella, gritando que no era sino una flor con alas.
and Cadmus, Phœnix, and Cilix set off in pursuit of it, crying out that it was a flower with wings.
Estos pensamientos a veces les abrumaban de melancolía, y parecían atormentar especialmente a Cílix.
These thoughts made them all melancholy at times, but appeared to torment Cilix more than the rest of the party.
Creo que ya sé la pauta, pero tengo que averiguar quiénes fueron Cadmo y Cilix y los demás.
“I think I know the pattern now, but I have to find out who Cadmus and Cilix and the others were.”
La pequeña miró a su alrededor y vislumbró en la lejanía a Cadmo, Fénix y Cílix persiguiendo a la mariposa.
She cast a glance around, and caught a glimpse of Cadmus, Phœnix, and Cilix, who were still in pursuit of the butterfly, almost at the other end of the meadow.
Sin embargo, se quedaron unos días con Cílix y le ayudaron a construir su rústica vivienda, muy semejante a la que habían construido para Fénix.
They remained with Cilix a few days, however, and helped him to build a rustic bower, resembling the one which they had formerly built for Phœnix.
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