Translation for "cuyas oraciones" to english
Cuyas oraciones
Translation examples
Damas y caballeros, es un privilegio estar aquí representándoos a todos, a miles de hombres y mujeres de todos los rincones del país, cuyas oraciones, ruegos y protestas
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to stand here as a representative of you all - many thousands of men and women from all parts of the country... .. whose prayers and entreaties and remonstrances...
—Hay un viejo refrán que dice —murmuró Tommy—: «Dios castiga a aquellos cuyas oraciones atiende.» Piensa en ello.
"It goes something like this: "God punishes those whose prayers He answers. "You might think about that."
—Entretanto —dijo Ray ante los micrófonos—, queremos dar las gracias a todos aquellos cuyas oraciones durante este día preservaron de daño a nuestros hijos.
'In the meantime,' Ray said into the microphones, 'we want to thank everyone whose prayers through this day kept our children from harm.'
Incluso entonces, fue únicamente Greer, el hombre de fe, cuyas oraciones le habían permitido una comprensión más profunda de la escena, quien le extrajo mayor sentido.
And even then, it was Greer alone, the man of faith, whose prayers had afforded him a deeper comprehension of the scene, who was able to make sense of it.
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