Translation for "crecido es" to english
Crecido es
Translation examples
EvalPartners ha crecido a una velocidad asombrosa.
19. EvalPartners has grown with astonishing speed.
Indudablemente, el voluntariado ha crecido y se ha desarrollado entre nosotros.
Volunteerism has certainly grown and developed among us.
El sistema de los tratados ha crecido de forma descomunal.
The treaty system has grown unwieldy.
Tanto la pobreza como el desempleo han crecido desde 1980.
Both poverty and unemployment have grown since 1980.
Desde 2006, ha crecido notablemente.
Since 2006, it had grown dramatically.
La labor de PIPE ha crecido con los años.
PIPE's work has grown over the years.
Las exportaciones han crecido un 62% este año.
Exports have grown by 62 per cent this year.
La carga ha crecido mucho.
The burden has indeed grown much heavier.
La matriculación ha crecido sin cesar.
Their school enrolment rate has grown steadily.
También ha crecido la demanda en el sector privado.
Demand has also grown in the private sector.
Su poder ha crecido, eso es todo. Igual que ha crecido él.
His power has grown, that is all. As he has grown.
«No ha crecido», dijo riéndose, «no ha crecido».
'She hasn't grown!' he said and laughed, 'she hasn't grown!'
y la barba de papá, pensó, habría crecido y crecido;
and Papa’s beard, she thought, would have grown and grown;
Cuando hayas crecido.
When you are grown.
He crecido un poco.
I’ve grown a little.
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