Translation for "costillas estaban" to english
Costillas estaban
Translation examples
Una mujer puede sentarse mejor que un hombre debido a la anatomía y yo me levante después de trece o catorce días porque mis costillas estaban empujando tan fuerte en mi bazo que me fui al hospital y me dijeron que debía dejar de ayunar.
Woman can sit better than man because of anatomy. And I got up after 13 or 14 days because my ribs... were pushing so hard on my spleen that I went to the hospital and they said: "Well, you should stop fasting."
El cráneo y las costillas estaban rotos.
The skull and ribs were all broken
Gibbs, si las costillas estaban envenenadas, ¿por qué no han afectado al Presidente?
No. Gibbs, if the ribs were poisoned, how come the president wasn't affected?
Sí, pero las costillas estaban curándose cuando se murió.
Yes, but the ribs were healing at her time of death.
Las costillas estaban aplastadas, como cáscaras de huevo.
Their ribs were crushed, like eggshells.
- cuando mis costillas estaban intactas.
- when my interior ribs were still intact.
mis dos piernas y cuatro costillas estaban rotas.
Both of my legs and four ribs were broken.
Dado que las costillas estaban impactadas, ella estaba de pie cuando ocurrió el golpe.
Since no ribs were impacted, she was standing when the blow occurred.
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