Translation for "costes considerables" to english
Costes considerables
Translation examples
Aunque eso representa un costo considerable en términos de tiempo que el personal dedica a los casos, los resultados rara vez son satisfactorios.
Although that represented a considerable cost in staff time, the results were rarely satisfactory.
26. La opción de la suma fija beneficia tanto al personal como a las organizaciones, pero entraña un costo considerable para los Estados Miembros.
26. The lump-sum option was beneficial to staff and organizations alike, but entailed considerable cost for Member States.
Considerado retrospectivamente, este progreso se ha alcanzado a un costo considerable para el medio ambiente.
In retrospect, such progress has been achieved at considerable cost to the environment.
El proceso tiene un costo considerable de elaboración, envasado, transporte y almacenamiento.
The process involves considerable cost in processing, packaging, transport and storage.
El suministro del tratamiento antirretroviral está mitigando algunos de esos efectos, aunque a un costo considerable para el Gobierno.
The provision of anti-retroviral treatment is mitigating some of these effects, albeit at considerable cost to the Government.
La puesta en marcha del Fondo de Adaptación lleva asociados unos costos considerables, como los de personal, consultorías y viajes, entre otros.
There are considerable costs associated with operationalizing the Adaptation Fund, including the cost of staff, consultants, travel, etc.
También pueden existir costos considerables relacionados con la determinación de los contaminadores y el establecimiento de un plan de pagos.
There may also be considerable costs associated with identifying the polluters and establishing a payment scheme.
La Comisión debe ocuparse con eficacia y rapidez de esas presentaciones, que fueron preparadas a un costo considerable.
Such submissions, prepared at a considerable cost, must be addressed by the Commission effectively and expeditiously.
Se han desplegado más de 100.000 soldados en nuestra parte de la frontera con el Afganistán, con un coste considerable.
More than 100,000 troops are deployed on our side of the border with Afghanistan, at considerable cost.
La provisión de estos servicios conlleva costes considerables.
The provision of those services incurred considerable costs.
¿Y a un costo considerable y mi bochorno?
And at considerable cost and embarrassment?
Elementos biológicos en cantidades masivas los convirtieron en mundos habitables a un coste considerable;
Biological packages in massive quantities transformed them into inhabitable worlds at considerable cost;
La gente de la India no contemplaba a los renunciantes como débiles marginados, sino que los reverenciaba como pioneros intrépidos que, con un coste considerable para sí mismos, intentaban encontrar una solución espiritual para la humanidad.
People in India did not regard the renouncers as feeble dropouts, but revered them as intrepid pioneers, who, at considerable cost to themselves, were trying to find a spiritual solution for humanity.
Era de sobra conocido que cinco trabajadores ya habían muerto ese verano y ni el observador más despistado podía no darse cuenta de que los supervisores del proyecto eran asharitas traídos al norte, con un coste considerable, desde Al-Rassan para ese cometido.
It was widely reported that five workers had already died this summer. Nor was it overlooked by even the marginally observant that at least half of the project supervisors were Asharites brought north from Al-Rassan for this endeavor, at considerable cost.
Dado el volumen de tráfico que entraba y salía de Desembarco del Rey a diario, el portazgo resultó sumamente lucrativo y aportó muchos más fondos de los precisos, si bien a un coste considerable para Rego Draz, ya que se decuplicó el desagrado que inspiraba.
Given the amount of traffic that came and went from King’s Landing every day, the gate tax proved to be highly lucrative, bringing in more than enough coin to meet the need…but at considerable cost to Rego Draz himself, as the grumbling against him increased tenfold.
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