Translation for "corteza de olmo" to english
Corteza de olmo
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Comenzaban con una armazón de gruesas y ásperas varas de nogal americano, unidas por tiras de corteza de olmo.
They began with a framework of thick, tough rods of the hickory nut-tree, bound together with remarkably stout strips of elm-bark.
Raíz de pie de oso, corteza de olmo, genciana, raíz de jengibre jamaicano… —Fíjate en esta mierda —dijo Steve—.
“Bear’s-foot root, elm bark, gentian, Jamaican ginger root…”             “Look at this shit,” Steve said.
El coste personal de un posible fallo era inimaginable. Con esta instrucción bien presente, les suministró la corteza de olmo pulverizada y la adormidera necesaria para cortar el vómito y la diarrea, y les llevó agua fresca con sus propias manos.
The cost to his own person if he failed was unthinkable. With this in mind, he had provided the powdered elm bark and poppy to stop the vomiting and diarrhoea and had brought them fresh water with his own hands.
Las comidas de la cantina tienen ingredientes raros: tallos de trigo, raíces, hojas secas de boniato y hierbajos cocidos para hacer sopa o polvo seco de guisantes, serrín, bellotas, corteza de olmo y piedra pómez convertidos en harina para hacer pesados pasteles cocinados a la plancha.
Our meals in the canteen have strange ingredients—cornstalks, corn roots, dried sweet potato leaves, and wild grasses cooked into soup, or dried pea powder, sawdust, acorns, elm bark, and pumice stone ground into flour to make into heavy cakes cooked on a griddle.
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