Translation for "cooptar" to english
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Pero ahora podemos cooptarlos. —¡Cooptar a la UN! —Art consideró la propuesta.
“But now co-opt them.” “Co-opt the UN!” Art considered it.
Cooptar a las Naciones Unidas; sonaba bien.
Co-opt the United Nations: it had a certain ring to it.
Non fu una sorpresa che Suleiman Al-Jama fosse riuscito a cooptare una nave da guerra libica.
It came as no surprise that Suleiman Al–Jama had been able to co–opt a Libyan warship.
Era stata svegliata di soprassalto dalla riapparizione di Halman e aveva nominato una nuova ed energica presidentessa, il cui primo atto era stato quello di cooptare Poole.
It had woken up with a start after Halman's reappearance, and appointed an energetic new chairperson whose first act had been to co-opt Poole.
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