Translation for "contraportadas" to english
Translation examples
—Lo he leído en la contraportada.
“Read it off the back cover.”
Luego vuelve a la contraportada.
Then she looks at the back cover again.
En la contraportada aparecía la foto del autor.
On the back cover was a photograph of the author.
—Hay algo en la contraportada que no está bien —susurró—.
“There’s something wrong with the back cover,” he whispered.
Tal como explica la contraportada de SS Regalia.
As the back cover of SS Regalia explains:
En la contraportada decía: «INFORMAR, NO DEFORMAR».
The back cover said: REPORT NOT DISTORT. “Report not distort,”
Piper miró la fotografía que aparecía reproducida en la contraportada.
Piper looked at his photograph on the back cover.
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