Translation for "contarlo" to english
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Sr. KHELIF (Argelia) [habla en árabe]: Señora Presidenta, permítame contarle un chiste argelino.
Mr. KHELIF (Algeria) (spoke in Arabic): Madam President, allow me to tell you an Algerian joke.
Puedo contarles otro problema relacionado con otro asentamiento, próximo a Deir El Balah.
I can tell you of another problem concerning another colony, close to Deir el-Balah.
Podría contarles lo que esa cara, firme y sólida como la piedra de las montañas, dice acerca de la historia de mi país.
I could tell them what her face, strong and hard as the stone of the mountains, says about the history of my country.
Mientras hablo, nuestro movimiento crece, y damos las gracias a los miembros del Comité por habernos brindado la oportunidad de contarles nuestras actividades.
As I speak, our movement is growing, and we thank the members of the Committee for giving us the opportunity to tell them about our activities.
Quisiera contarles uno de sus relatos:
And I would like to tell you one of them.
Quisiera contarles una historia, y pedir a algunos de ustedes que compartan luego algunas observaciones y preguntas, todas ellas vinculadas a la responsabilidad penal individual.
I would like to tell you a story, and ask some then share some observations and questions, all related to individual criminal responsibility.
Todos los soldados que hayan estado en los territorios ocupados pueden contarle la misma historia.
Every soldier who was in the Occupied Territories can tell you the same story.
Puedo contarles el caso de un amigo mío.
I can tell you about the case of a friend of mine.
Él viene de una pequeña aldea; cuando llamó por teléfono a su madre en la capital, Freetown, para contarle de su elección, le dijeron que había ido a la aldea a orar por él.
He came from a small village; when he had telephoned his mother in the capital, Freetown, to tell her of his successful election, he had been told that she had gone to the village to pray for him.
Contarlo o no contarlo, Cambiador.
To tell or not to tell, Changer.
De todos modos, lo único que puedo hacer con mi historia es contarla. Y contarla. Y contarla.
At any rate, all I can do with my story is tell it. And tell it. And tell it.
O de contarles algo.
Or was telling them something.
¿Para qué contarlo?
Why tell anyone that?
—Eso es todo lo que tengo que contarle.
That's all there is to tell you.
—Porque tengo algo que contarle.
“I’ve something to tell you.”
Tengo que contarlo yo.
I have to tell it myself.
—Tengo que contarle algo.
I have a tale to tell,
No tengo que contarla.
I don't have to tell it.
Mucho era lo que había que contarle.
So much to tell him.
tell the tale
—Y que ha vivido para contarlo —dije.
“And lived to tell the tale,”
Nadie volvió para contarlo.
No one came back to tell the tale.
Pocos han sobrevivido para contarlo.
Few have lived to tell the tale.
Nadie más sobrevivió para contarlo.
No one else survived to tell the tale.
Pocos son los que vuelven para contarlo.
Few ever return to tell the tale.
Se había caído a la laguna y había vivido para contarlo.
He’d fallen into the pond and lived to tell the tale.
—Cuarenta y seis no viven para contarlo.
‘Forty-six of them didn’t live to tell the tale.’
Pero, en todo caso, sus compañeras no irían a contarlo
But in any case, his companions would not be able to tell the tale .
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